Tuesday 5 June 2012


Previously (around 8 hours after the previous post), we have discussed about the lifestyle of a hobbyist in microcontroller and the pin diagram of PIC 16F877A. Now to use a microcontroller, we must have a boot-loader. Boot-loader is used to download .hex file extension into the PIC or some people like to call it as burning procedure. 

In the old days, people like to download the program using MAX232 via RS232 cable. Yes...that brings back the old time of mine... But as life goes on, i am now using Cytron's bootloader which I will explain briefly. The boot-loader are as follows:

Bootloader: Cytron's UIC00B                                        ICSP Programmer Socket: UIC-S

The two hardwares above are to be used with the software called PICkit 2 v2.61. The software would look like this:

Ensure that the value at Vdd PICkit 2 is changed from 2.5 to 5.0 like below:

If there is a PIC in the ZIF socket, then the PICkit 2 will recognize it by displaying the device type as follows:
For the time being, I will not explain on how to use this software. We will discover it as we go on to the next post. If your are a first timer, then buying this boot-loader may help you in the next tutorial. However it can be easily bought via online order in Malaysia. If you already have a boot-loader, then this is just to add up to your knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, this is not a "boot-loader". It's a programmer!
