Tuesday 27 November 2012

Basic Circuit for PIC 16F877A

Before doing any fancy circuits, we need to build the most basic circuit for PIC 16F877A. There are basically 2 circuits that I usually build which are:

  1. Power circuit. (Skip this circuit if you are lazy and using an adapter for 5V).
  2. Basic circuit for controller pic.
Below are an example of a power circuit for any output voltage to regulate to a 5V. I'm using a voltage regulator or some might call it as a control voltage namely 7805 which is giving an output of 5V and 1.5A current.

The input voltage for a 7805 is within 7V and 25V. If you give below 7V, than the output coltage will not be an accurate +5V.

The below circuit is for the main controller of a pic.

For PIC 16F877A, there are 7 compulsory wiring for it to be in standby mode which are:

  1. Pin 1 - Memory Clear. Must be given +5V at all time. If given a momentarily 0V, the PIC will reset (active low configuration)
  2. Pin 11 & 32 - Vdd (+5V).
  3. Pin 12 & 31 - Vss (0V)
  4. Pin 13 & 14 - Oscillator / Resonator ranging 4MHz until 20MHz. (No polarity).
I will post an update for the picture of the power and the basic circuit later on. 

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